Ainsley Elaine was born 3.31.08 at 8:03pm at 7lb 6oz and at 20.5 inches. She and mom are great - both did wonderfully. Dad also worked really hard and is pretty wiped (for those of you thinking...I wonder what he did, go do some searching for the Bradley philosophy of birthing, AKA husband coached child birthing), but is in pretty good shape. Actually, I have been having fun with the camera. So much so - that I have some pictures to post. Enjoy.
Hi, I don't know you but was browsing the web and found these incredible new born baby photos. Wow, I am a professional photographer in Utah and think whoever took these really did a wonderful job. I love the one of mommy and then after the baby comes, and all the details. Congratulations on your new family member!!
Hi Sarah and Joshua, Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! Ainsley is beautiful. Our family will be waiting to see more pictures of the newest addition to the family. (I emailed the whole family your blog so that they could see, too) Love, Jennifer
Congrats on your beautiful baby. I can't wait to see her when you guys make it back to WA. We just can't let Monika hold her or else she'll want one now. Talk to you later.
I don't know you but was browsing the web and found these incredible new born baby photos. Wow, I am a professional photographer in Utah and think whoever took these really did a wonderful job. I love the one of mommy and then after the baby comes, and all the details. Congratulations on your new family member!!
Beautiful name to go with a beautiful baby! Good work! Many congratulations and much love!!!!
Happy Zero-th birthday, Ainsley. Glad to hear that everything went well.
She'll always be Tahj in my heart and mind. Congratulations Mahars.
Sarah and Joshua,
Greetings from Nashville & congratulations! This is exciting! Thanks for sharing the photos. Best wishes for all of you!
David O'Brien
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!! She's gorgeous and I'm so happy for you!
dude, it's so cool that you're now a dad. congrats.
Hi Sarah and Joshua,
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! Ainsley is beautiful. Our family will be waiting to see more pictures of the newest addition to the family. (I emailed the whole family your blog so that they could see, too)
Love, Jennifer
Hey Sarah and Joshua,
Congrats on your beautiful baby. I can't wait to see her when you guys make it back to WA. We just can't let Monika hold her or else she'll want one now. Talk to you later.
Your Cousin,
Ohmigosh, she's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Such HUGE eyes -- so awake!!!
Those tiny little wrinkled feet!!!
Just utterly gorgeous! I am laughing. So happy for ya'll!
Debbie Pope
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